Spiritual Letter 56
- Copy of Article by Arundhati Roy -
"The New American Century"
- Expanded Version -
With "Louie-Based" Summary

Go To:  Copy of Article - Expanded Version
                    With: "Louie-Based" Summary:
                              Outline of Article - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
                              "Louie-Based" Summary - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
                    With: "Text-Based" Summary - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Go To:  Copy of Article - Original Version - by Arundhati Roy
Go To:  About Summary of Article - explanation of these two types of summary
Go To:  Spiritual Letter 56 - Original Version
Go To:  Home Page - Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (www.Bawa.homestead.com)
Go To:  Home Page - Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Web Site (www.bmf.org)

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.  In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all. Amen.

                                                                                                    - go to top of page
                                                                                                    - go to Summary: "Louie Based"
Outline of Article - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
                                                                                                    - go to outline of Items 13 to 24
1.  The New World War - is World Social Forum (WSF) versus "Empire America"
2.  A Perceived "Good Side" of Imperialism - is now again coming out of the closet
3.  This New Imperialism - is just a make-over of the old imperialism
4.  Examples of Absorption by "Imperial America" - are Argentina & Iraq
5.  In This New Age of "The Empire" - nothing is as it appears to be
6.  The Brutal Blueprint of "Imperial America" - being used to rape 3rd world countries
7.  India - as an example of the "Brutal Blueprint of Imperial America"
8.  The Real Problem of "Empire America" - is the seduction of 3rd world leaders
9.  The Government's Victims - include the victims of so called "development" projects
10.  Other Examples - of the influence of the "Empire America" on other governments
11.  The Mechanisms of The New Imperialism -
12.  How New Racism In The Corporate Era Works - it is like
                                                                                                    - go to Outline of Previous Items
                                                                                                    - go to Summary: "Louie Based"
                                                                                                    - go to Summary: "Text Based"
13.  The New Genocide of the New Imperialism - works like the sanctions in Iraq
14.  In The New Era - apartheid has been replaced with institutionalize inequity
15.  Our Waging The Battle Against The New Imperialism - has taught us the
          importance of globalizing resistance
16.  Examples of Lost Leaders In This Battle - are President Lula of Brazil, and Nelson
          Mandela of South Africa
17.  Why Does This Happen? - because Corporate Cartel are seducing 3rd World
18.  The Work of The World Social Forum (WSF) - is to locally unite, educate, and
          improve ourselves, and then globally unite, educate, and improve ourselves
19.  The Major Threat To The Work of WSF - is becoming the enemy
21.  Bush's Strategy
24.  About Closing Comments In This Article - the true example of Gandhi (peace be
          upon Him) was within him, not on the outside of him, was the presence of God
          that grew within him when he joined in partnership with God within him to correct
          himself and reveal God
                                                                                                    - go to top of page
                                                                                                    - go to Outline of Article
                                                                                                    - go to Summary: "Text Based"
Summary of Article - "Louie Based" - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen xx
                                                                                                                                  - go to outline
1. The New World War - is the World Social Forum (WSF) Versus "Empire

This new world war is portrayed in this article as a batte between the World Social
Forum (WSF) and "America" which is characterized in this article as epidmizing the
"New Imperialism", as "Empire America", as the main refuge of the "Corporate Cartels"
that have set out to conquer the world in the same manner as earlier Empires did, as
the "Old Imperialism" of Britain and France did, and of most of Europe did, in the last
century, but this time using technology, military and econmic strength and
institudions, and "competitive advantage" as the major weapons to carve up the world,
especially the 3rd world, into "market shares" benefiting a small group of elite people
throughout the world, at the expense of the rest of the people in the world, expecially
the poor people living in the 3rd world, and the srinking middle class in the developed
parts of the world.  And from one perspective this could certainy be argued as true.

This battle is presented in this article as a war between one vision of the future as
recently endorsed by the members of the World Social Focus (WSF) group, a future
given the title, "Another World is Possible" versus another vision of the future
reportedly endorsed by the current administration in Washington in America, a future
given the tile, "The New American Century".  And from one perspective this could also
certainy be argued as true.

However, another way of viewing this war, through the life and teaching of Bawa
Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children (may God be
pleased with each of Us), is the war or battle that has been raging within our very own
hearts, from the very beginning of time, from the time of Cane & Able in the bible.

(Note: click HERE to go to the Home Page for the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library
[www.Bawa.homestead.com] to access material by Bawa Muhaiyaddeen [may God
be pleased with Him) and by His Children [may God be pleased with each of Us).
Once there, click on "Menus for Library", and then, for material by Bawa, click on
"On-line Books by Bawa" or "Other On-line Material by Bawa".  Also click HERE to go
to the Home Page of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship [www.bmf.org] to access the
same material by Bawa, and to also purchase this Bawa materail through their On-line
Book Store, and to learn about the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship that was
established by Bawa in America, with branches throughout the world.  Thank you)

And from this perspective this war or battle outside can be better viewed as really
occurring within each of us, as being conducted not really between forms of ilusion on
the outside of us, such as groups, religions, races, countries, goverments, but rather
as between the essense of life underlying all of these external forms of evil outside of
us as well as the forms of goodness within us, that we currently see in our current
state of consciousness, as between the essense of God within us and the essence of
evil within us, as between the qualities of God, the qualities of light, of true goodness,
of wisdom and truth, of "Oneness with", of completion, and of understanding within us,
verses the qualities of hell, of satan, of darkness, of evil, of falsehood, of "separation
from", of incompletness, of ignorance or lack of understanding also within us.

And if this be the case, as this child, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), truly
believes, which is the name given to this child by Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be
pleased with Him) in 1980, then the only way to win this apparent war outside of us is
to join with the real war inside of us, is to join with the forces of good within our very
own heart against the forces of evil within our very own heart, encouraging everyone
else to do the same, becoming a witness of the outside war, realizing that the only
way to win the drama of our life, which is all happiness and sadness outside of us,
which is all of what we see in our ignorace as existing "outside" of us, is not to play.

And in this way, allowing the true goodness of us to win over the true evil of us, coming
out of this battle not only victorious, as not only having become One with the true
goodness within each of us, having separated "us" from the true evil within us, having
divided ourselves within us into the 7 heavens and the 7 hells within us, having built,
and entered the 8th heaven within us, and having become One with the 8 heaven within
us, having become One with the palace of the soul within us, the house of wisdom
within us, the house of Qutb Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him).

Having done all of this, which is really cool, but in addition, and of even greater
signicance, having come to an understanding of this goodness and evil, which allows
us to transcend both the goodness and the evil within us, and become again One with
God within us, which at the highest level of our life is why we have come here in the
first place, to understand and then become One with "who we already are".  Amen.
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2.  A Perceived "Good Side" of Imperialism - is now again coming out of the closet
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3This New Imperialism - is just a make-over of the old imperialism of WW2 & the Cold War, but this time employing "competitive advantage" as the major weapon
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4.  Examples of Absorption by "Imperial America" - are Argentina & Iraq
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5In This New Age of "The Empire" - nothing is as it appears to be
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6.  The Brutal Blueprint of "Imperial America" - is being used to rape the 3rd world
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7. India - as an example of the "Brutal Blueprint of Imperial America", as a possible target for a righteous war
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8.  The True Problem of "Empire America" - is the seduction of 3rd world leaders
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9. The Government's Victims - include the victims of "development" projects
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10. Other Examples - of the influence of the "Empire America" on other governments, is treating poverty, and dissent, like going on strike, and criticizing the court, into a crime 
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11.  The Mechanisms Of The "Empire America", Of New Imperialism

This article concludes that the mechanisms of the "Empire America", of new imperialism, include a network of agents in 3rd world countries, "corrupt local elites", who service the Empire, and a New Racism, modeled after the tradition of "turkey pardoning" in the United States
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12.  How New Racism In The Corporate Era Works - a few carefully bred turkeys, like  Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice, are given absolution and a pass to Frying Pan Park, while the remaining millions lose their jobs
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13. The New Genocide of the New Imperialism - includes creating conditions that lead to mass death without actually going out and killing people, like the sanctions in Iraq
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14In The New Era - apartheid as formal policy is antiquated and unnecessary, and has been replaced with institutionalize inequity, like multilateral trade laws and financial agreements
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15.  Our Waging The Battle Against The New Imperialism - against "Empire America", like the derailing of trade agreements at Cancún, has taught us the importance of globalizing resistance
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16. Examples of Lost Leaders In This Battle - are President Lula of Brazil, and Nelson Mandela of South Africa
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17. Why Does This Happen? 

In this article the question is posed, "Why does this happen?, that good and heroic world leaders are lost to the New imperialism of America, and they answer is given that this losing of our leaders and heroes is due to the powerful influence over them of the Corporate Cartel. 

That this loss is due to a lack of understanding on their part, and on our part in general, is due to our failing to understand how capitalism works, and how power works, is due to our failing to understand that radical change cannot be negotiated by governments; it can only be enforced by people
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18. The Work of The World Social Forum (WSF) - is to unite, educate, and improve ourselves, and then globally unite, educate, and improve ourselves
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19. The Major Threat To The Work of WSF - is that we become the enemy

The major threat to the word of WSF is that, first we "become an asset to our enemies", that we will become like them, that in the process of fighting our enemy we will become our enemy, using the same tactics, rationalizations, and methods that they use, and having lost our innocence, having moved off of the high ground, they will assimilate us also, without us even knowing it.

And second, that we will fail to make any real difference in the world, that we will fail to actually change either ourselves or others, that we will fail to actually help those who are being oppressed, and only end up making things worse for them and for ourselves, and to avoid these types of failure we need to develop a balance between our planning and our doing, we need to "balance this vital process", between our refining our vision of change and actually doing things that will hopefully bring about that change, we need to implement in parallel a "top-down/bottom-up" approach, allowing our vision to guide our actions and our actions to adjust our vision.

And in this way, we need to remove our own hypocracies, we need to remove the current differences between our words and our actions, actually helping the people we say we want to help, not just going to war with their enemies, and in the process becoming like them, falling into the trap of all "do-gooders", becoming arrogant about and institutionalizing our "good works", subtlely moving ourselves "across the floor" from "opposition" to "establishment", an establishment of our own making, but still an establishment, without even knowing it
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20.  Important Victories of WSF & Its Major Concerns

This article state that the important victories of the World Social Forum (WSF),
the 10 million people march on five continents on February 15th, of 2003, which was a protest of public morality, a protest against the war on Iraq.

And that the major concerns of WFS includes the possibility that our nonviolent resistance will atrophy into ineffectual, feel-good, political theater
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21.  Bush's Strategy - is to keep moving ahead, regardless of the dissent, while waiting out the storms in safe harbors
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22This Movement Of Ours (WSF)

This article states that "We need a major, global victory, working off even a minimum agenda, if only in order to test our resolve", because "it's not good enough to be right".

But in addition to this, we need to "help make others right" also, in order to "move right forward" in the world in our age.

And to truly do this we need to be always moving ourselves forward in the direction of right, in our own personal life, not just trying to move "others" in that direction, continuously "refining our own personal right" into a higher and more purer right, always learning from our mistakes, not just rationalizing our faults away as a matter of convenience, or projecting our faults onto others, as a way of avoiding them, as a way of ducking the hard of work of truly engaging the faults within ourselves, always resisting the easy way of making our faults into the faults of those around us. 

For example, resisting the urge to make our faults into the faults of our movement or cause, or of our perceived friends, or of our perceived enemies, or of the perceived enemies of others, before we have truly understood ourselves and others. And in this way, and only in this way, having successfully resisted the easy way of focusing on the faults of "others", and of working on getting them to be right, instead of this "path of folly", we focus on seeing, understanding, and then changing ourselves first, of correcting our own faults, before we try to change others. In this way, allowing us to always model right to others, through our own virtuous conduct, rather than just talking about right, or good, or fairness, or truth. 

Then the people around us, including those in our movements and in our causes, as well as our perceived friends and enemies, will quite naturally change in the direction of right because we have shown them the way, having already done it ourselves first, and in the process of correcting ourselves we discover that we have also developed compassion, not contempt, for those who have yet to make that journey, the necessary compassion that is truly required for "others" around us to change. 

Such is our real gift to other, compassion for others, having truly joined and understood their struggle, and in this way, having become One with them.  This was the great secret gift of Gandhi (peace be upon Him) to the people of India, the secret gift hidden within his movement, and hidden within Gandhi's salt march, Oneness with them, compassion for both the British and the people of India, for all of the people of the world, for all of the people in India, including the Muslims, the Christians, and the Hindus, having no hidden agenda, realizing that "everyone is always doing the very best that they can, and if they could do any better they would". 

Always building on this truth by improving oneself and then sharing that improvement with others, within the presence of God within us, within God's love and compassion.
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23.  The Proposal For Action by WSF

In this article, the proposal for action by WSF, is that we must "become the global resistance in the world", always keeping in mind that "our success is only a question of bringing our collective wisdom and experience of past struggles to bear on a single target, and of our desire to win".

But that single target must start with ourselves, with correcting our own faults, our own hypocrisies, our keeping one word on our lips but another in our heart, our saying one thing but doing another, of correcting our own movement away from what is truly right in our life, our own movement away from the high ground, from the moral imperatives of all lives, including that of both our perceived friends and enemies. In this way, we must always treat others according to the golden rule, the golden rule of "always treating others as we would like to be treated", which includes never lowering other people, groups, or countries, or other races or religions in order to elevate ourselves, or our groups, our country, or our race or religions. 

In this way, always realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining with the true justice of life in the world, that "as we treat others so we will be treated", and always joining with the true justice of God in both this world and in the next world, which is not really far off for any of us, that "whatever we intend is what we will receive", that the "house we build is the house we will get in the end", and finally, that the "crop we sow is the one we will harvest."   So grow a good crop, build a good house, intend the right thing, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, and if you don't know how to do this, then find somene who does, before it is too late, before you run out of time in this world, before you meet the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him).
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24.  Closing Comments In Article - the true example of Gandhi (peace be upon Him) was within him, was the presence of God that grew within him when in joined in partnership with God to correct himself and reveal God

The World Social Forum (WSF) "demands justice and survival", and to get it for the oppressed people of the world, for these reasons, as explained in this article, "we must consider ourselves at war", but as also explained in this "Louie Summary" of this article by Arundhati Roy, the first war that we must fight is within  ourselves, between our wisdom and the enemy of our soul. 

And the enemy our soul is "us", is "us" trying to live "separate from" God, and "separate from" each other, and "separate from" the Creation of God within us, and our wisdom points us to the example given to us by Gandhi (peace be upon Him), which starts with  a personal struggle within him against his own faults and hypocrisies, and  which culminated in what we perceived as His movement, which was really his successful nearness with God within him, allowing him in his later years to live a life which was at Oneness with all life, that treated all lives as His own, a life that joining in the struggle of all life, rather than going to war with their perceived enemies, which were the British, a life that developed the love and compassion of God, a life that allowed Him to help both the British and all of the people of India, to help all groups within India, not helping just one group at the expense of another group, a life that allowed Him to help all people without causing any harm to anyone, or to any group of people, truly providing for all a win-win situation. 

A win-win situation which only One in the presence of God can achieve, which only One who has learned how to draw upon the power of God within himself for all of us can achieve, to benefit all of us.  This is the lesson of Gandhi to the people of India, and to all of the people of the world, and to all of the members of the World Social Forum, and to all of us wishing to emulate what Gandhi (peace be upon Him) accomplished, not going to war with the perceived enemies of our perceived friends before we have any true understand of either ourselves, or of our perceived friends and enemies.  May we all think about these words of wisdom a little.  They are very, very important, and will help us a lot in our life, if we will only let them.  Amen.

End of Copy of Article
- Expanded Version -
With: "Louie-Based" Summary

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Copy of Article - Expanded Version:
With: "Louie-Based" Summary

This page was last updated on: January 30, 2004